My New Room!
Hey guys! I haven't blogged in a while, and I just re-did my room so I thought this would be a good time to do a blog post!
Let me start off by saying I have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to interior design. This whole thing is a lot of fun, but I kind of just guessed what would look nice together and also doubted every decision I made every step of the way (typical).
All of the furniture is from Z Gallerie here in LA, took me forever to finally get all the pieces, but when I did there was still something throwing off the whole design.. then I realized it was those yellow walls! So I got the idea to paint the walls white and add some wallpaper to spruce up the place!
Yeah.. the yellow walls were not working!
Bye bye yellow walls!
Wallpaper Time....
Adding paint/wallpaper is the quickest, most cost effective way to dress up your space... Or so they say. I found these awesome wallpaper "decals" from Target! They're basically just stickers that you peel on and off and they won't damage the paint underneath, which is great if you're renting (like me).
The directions say it's best to use them on a semi-gloss or an egg shell finish paint, so I painted this accent wall with a semi-gloss and the rest with a flat paint. I was so impatient that I actually did the whole wall myself in about 3 or 4 hours, I was in mad scientist- Martha Stuart mode.
You're supposed to measure each piece and line up the designs first, then apply them to the wall, but even as crafty as I am, I knew I wouldn't be able to cut a straight line. So I gave myself a little slack on both ends and lined up the design as I stuck it on the wall. Also, I peeled off the backing as I went down the wall. When I would accidentally peel too much off, it would stick to itself and turn into a nightmare, this stuff is suuuuper sticky, I almost cried a few times. Not really, but yeah. Once it was all on there I used an exacto knife to trim all the edges and I was done!
You can find the wallpaper here. I used a wallpaper calculator to see how many rolls I needed.
I might change the wallpaper for something lighter in a few months, who knows, for now I like it though. And my favorite thing about my room is my books and the orchids. If you take good care of them they last a long time! I've had the pink one on my nightstand for over a month now! Fresh flowers are definitely a must :)
I think the only thing my room is missing is maybe an area rug, but I'm hesitant to put one in because then I won't be able to slide my furniture around to dust and what not. Chrisspy is not big on commitment.. to area rugs or permanent wallpaper hehe.
I think that's all I have to say for now! Excuse any typos ;) Leave me your questions below and I'll be checking back to answer any of them!